The Deja Vu Theory
There are some aspects of your daily life that project out a sense of amusement when experienced while have no perfect reason for their occurrence. One such thing has been Deja Vu. There have been a lot of theories by scientists across the globe trying to figure out the reason for its occurrence. While psychologists say that it is a neuron disorder, scientists have been claiming that it has to attribute to space time warp at the same time.
OHHH! Now that sounds weird doesn’t it? But yes! scientists have penned down a well written theory on why this amusing effect happens to each and every individual on this planet. So what do you think…can this make any sense? Well I tend to pen down some background for you guys down here anyway…so check this out!
So what is Deja Vu actually?
The word belongs to the French language which means already seen. While you are in middle of a conversation with your friends or family or walking on a road or reading a book you seem to feel that there is something wrong with your surroundings(trying to describe like a sci-fi movie scene) and suddenly you feel “wait a minute!! I’ve done this already in the past! I’ve been here before!”- yeah yeah that’s Deja Vu, you are not alone, it happens to everyone.
But what is it to do with space-time warp?
This is what psychologists all over the globe ask because they say this occurrence is due to some neuron disorder-they just shush you and say you’re mad :( But that’s what scientists are to be honest (can’t agree more). So the scientists came up with a theory- “The Multiverse”. Yeah! it is tuned perfectly. But what made our scientists think so? I’ll help you through!
Believers of this theory state that the human experience of Deja Vu can be explained by the weird feeling of experiencing the moment as a “Crossover” with parallel universe. So, it means your experience with Deja Vu is actually a parallel version of you doing it in a different universe simultaneously, therefore creating an alignment between the two universes!
But how is it even possible?
It is important to understand that our Earth is not the only living planet and the universe even isn’t the only one. When you accept the fact the multiverse is in existence, you can understand it in a better way. So, let us consider that our Universe is U1 in a multiverse ranging till infinity is tuned to particular revolutionary frequency say F1( ranging till Fx). As the parallel universe are separated by cosmic walls, they are not visible and have no interference. For instance, if the revolutionary frequency of universe U4 tune itself to F1, the interference pattern changes. This is so similar to the radio tuning we tend to do while we tune to different radio stations at different frequencies. We tune our receiver to a radio station and resonance causes us to listen to the music played at that station and when we change its tuning, it causes interference at a particular wave frequency to listen to a different radio station.
Similarly, parallel universe interference occurs when rotational frequency of two different universes match and super impose over one another and according to Human Brain Quantum Psychology (HBQP), this causes the realities of U1 and U4 meet at a certain point of time. Now, it is not necessary that time must travel at same pace in all universes. This article which I am writing now in universe U1, might have been written by me of U4 an year or month or day or an hour ago or maybe I will write it in the evening or tomorrow or next month or in 2022. We never know! But the point is, by Deja Vu experience we can say that you in U4 have already done something and again doing it in U1 is making you feel so. Now that is some relation between Deja Vu, Human Psychology and the Parallel Universe.
String Theory also supports this Deja Vu Theory saying that the vibration of string of different universes due to any sort of disturbance may cause such an instance when the frequencies might match causing the realities to super impose on one another causing Deja Vu.
What if this is true? What if we can control the frequencies to see our other at various universes? What if you can meet yourself from a different Earth and still be the same annoying person you are here as well :)(JK though) Not all theories have proofs and so is this one. If you feel me and you are jobless, remember there is a guy who claims to be time traveler from year 2058 saying scientists will find a mirror planet of Earth in our own solar system on 8th of May 2021, and that is…TODAY! So gotta go and read about him. See’ya!
REFERENCES: Lupin Publishers :